Call for Papers is ON!

The Call for Papers process is open until December 31st! We encourage people of all ages, races, genders and religions, to submit proposals and we would like to ensure everyone that our process of selecting the talks will be fair and transparent, as the entire concept behind JSHeroes.

Submit Proposal

✍ What we are looking for

JSHeroes is a single track 2-day conference dedicated to the JS and Web ecosystems. We expect that each talk fits into a 25 minutes slot. If you require more time, please mention this in the application. We are looking for a multitude of topics and perspectives, but most of all we value:

  • Original topics, presented for the first time.
  • Practical ideas that attendees can apply at work the next day.
  • Trends and hot topics which are relevant today and beyond.
  • Fresh perspectives on the development ecosystem.
  • The human side of software engineering.

Our theme for 2023 is “10 years of pushing the boundaries”. We want to bring the focus on the evolution of our tools and practices, a decade since frontend development took of back in 2013. The theme is broad and not all talk will be connected with it, so consider it more like a line connecting different ideas and topics, rather then a restriction.

📈 How the selection will happen

Each year we receive hundreds of proposals from which we can unfortunately only pick a handful. With this in mind, we created a team of world wide subject matter experts that will go through the proposals and will decide what to include on the final agenda. This is a rough estimation of our schedule and process:

  • Each member of the commitee will go through the anonymized proposals and rate them.
  • All proposals that are above a threshold qualify to the second stage.
  • In the second stage we de-anonymize the remaining proposals and start head-to-head comparisons on the similar topics.
  • One by one, we will fill in the slots in our agenda, based on the topics we feel can bring the most value to our audience.
  • All the speakers will get a response, positive or negative, at the end of the process.

🏆 The perks we offer

If your proposal gets selected, we will make sure you have the best possible experience for your entire stay in Cluj. Here are some of the benefits we offer to all our speakers:

  • Full payment for your travel to and from the event
  • A speaker fee of 500 EUR, as a token of appreciation for your effort
  • 4 nights at a 5 star hotel, right on top of the venue
  • Free entrance at the conference for both days
  • Extra ticket + double room option, in case somebody is joining you
  • Speakers trip on the day after the event
  • Speaker dinners and other activities around the event

✋ Help and support along the way

We are committed to fulfilling our mission as an open source event. We are all community people and we want to be as close to you as possible. We will try to be supportive and helpful and we will do our best to get back to you with valuable feedback from the CFP process. In case you wish to talk with someone from the team, do not hesitate to get in touch over email.

Good luck!

Submit Proposal